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Thema: Pwned?

  1. #1
    vip:oxy Avatar von Overkill
    aus over:kill wird killy der scape:goat
    6.728 Beiträge seit 12/2001


    Russians glorifying American Weapons for the National Holiday:

    February 23, 2006 is a federal day off in Russia, which celebrates the military servicemen, Russian Navy and Air force. The city of Moscow did the preparations at the very last moment, just like everything else is done in Russia, and hired design firm Moscow City Advertisement to do the posters. [...]

    The ship in the poster glorifying the Russian fleet is American battle ship Missouri. September 2, 1945 Japanese signed capitulation on that ship and she has been parked in Pearl Harbor since then.

    The jet fighter glorifying the Russia aviation is actually Russian, but this models are not used for equipping the Russian forces; these are export versions sold to India. And this exact jet crashed in 1999 during the military exhibition in Le Burge.

  2. Nach oben    #2

    38 Jahre alt
    aus serdem ist jedes Da-Sein immer Mit-Sein
    828 Beiträge seit 10/2001
    hrhr. oh mann, die armen jungs. wasser auf westlichen mühlen und zement auf osteuropäische(& beyond) klischees.

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