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Thema: 9 Wordseiten Englische Witze

  1. #1
    38 Jahre alt
    aus rangierter mister : oxybrain : 2005
    1.671 Beiträge seit 10/2001

    9 Wordseiten Englische Witze

    - Hey man, I need a gun.
    - Well, sir, what kind of gun do U want?
    - Hey, I need a gun for shooting cans...
    - Sorry sir, for shooting what??
    - I need a big f**king gun for shooting cans!
    - OK sir, what kind of cans do U want to shoot?
    - Oh... different cans: afri-cans, mexi-cans, ameri-cans...

    A man enters a bar and orders a drink.
    The bar has a robot bartender.
    The robot serves him a perfectly prepared cocktail, and then asks him,
    "What's your IQ?"
    The man replies
    and the robot proceeds to make conversation about global warming factors, quantum physics and spirituality, biomimicry, environmental interconnectedness, string theory, nano-technology, and sexual proclivities.

    The customer is very impressed and thinks,
    "This is really cool."
    He decides to test the robot.
    He walks out of the bar, turns around, and comes back in for another drink.
    Again, the robot serves him the perfectlty prepared drink and asks him,
    "What's your IQ?"
    The man responds,
    "about a 100."
    Immediately the robot starts talking, but this time, about football, NASCAR, baseball, supermodels, favorite fast foods, guns, and women's breasts.

    Really impressed, the man leaves the bar and decides to give the robot one more test. He heads out and returns, the robot serves him and asks,
    "What's your IQ?"
    The man replies,
    "Er, 50, I think."
    And the robot says... real slowly,
    "So.............. ya gonna vote for Bush again?"

    A class was given a homework to write a story about "There is only one mom".

    Little Susie wrote:
    "A few days ago i fell of my bike and hurt myself. But my mom took care of my wound and it didn't hurt anymore. There is only one mom.
    Little Lucy wrote:
    "Whenever I feel sad, my mom makes me my favorite cakes and I feel better. There is only one mom.
    Little Johnny wrote:
    "I came from school last week and my mom was making out on the couch with some guy. She screamed at me to get her two beers. I looked in the fridge and said: There is only one, Mom!.

    No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses (viri?) do:

    They replicate quickly -- okay, Windows does that.
    Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so -- okay, Windows does that.
    Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk -- okay, Windows does that, too.
    Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. Sigh... Windows does that, too.
    Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow and the user will buy new hardware. Yup, that's with Windows, too.

    Until now it seems Windows is a virus but there are fundamental differences: Viruses are well supported by their authors, are running on most systems, their program code is fast, compact and efficient and they tend to become more sophisticated as they mature.

    So, Windows is not a virus.

    Hu's on First

    George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?
    Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.
    George: Great. Lay it on me.
    Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.
    George: That's what I want to know.
    Condi: That's what I'm telling you.
    George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?
    Condi: Yes.
    George: I mean the fellow's name.
    Condi: Hu.
    George: The guy in China.
    Condi: Hu.
    George: The new leader of China.
    Condi: Hu.
    George: The Chinaman!
    Condi: Hu is leading China.
    George: Now whaddya' asking me for?
    Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.
    George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?
    Condi: That's the man's name.
    George: That's who's name?
    Condi: Yes.
    George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?
    Condi: Yes, sir.
    George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East.
    Condi: That's correct.
    George: Then who is in China?
    Condi: Yes, sir.
    George: Yassir is in China?
    Condi: No, sir.
    George: Then who is?
    Condi: Yes, sir.
    George: Yassir?
    Condi: No, sir.
    George: Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.
    Condi: Kofi?
    George: No, thanks.
    Condi: You want Kofi?
    George: No.
    Condi: You don't want Kofi.
    George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N.
    Condi: Yes, sir.
    George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.
    Condi: Kofi?
    George: Milk! Will you please make the call?
    Condi: And call who?
    George: Who is the guy at the U.N?
    Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
    George: Will you stay out of China?!
    Condi: Yes, sir.
    George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N.
    Condi: Kofi.
    George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.
    (Condi picks up the phone.)
    Condi: Rice, here.
    George: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls,too. Maybe we should send some to the guy in China. And the Middle East. Can you get Chinese food in the Middle East?

  2. Nach oben    #2
    38 Jahre alt
    aus rangierter mister : oxybrain : 2005
    1.671 Beiträge seit 10/2001
    Prison vs Work

    Just in case you ever get these two environments mixed up, this should make
    things a little bit clearer.

    IN PRISON..........you spend the majority of your time in an 10X10 cell.
    AT WORK............you spend the majority of your time in an 8X8 cubicle.

    IN PRISON.........you get three meals a day.
    AT WORK...........you get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it.

    IN PRISON..........you get time off for good behavior.
    AT WORK............you get more work for good behavior.

    IN PRISON..........the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
    AT WORK............you must often carry a security card and open all the doors for yourself.

    IN PRISON..........you can watch TV and play games.
    AT WORK...........you could get fired for watching TV and playing games.

    IN PRISON.........you get your own toilet.
    AT WORK..........you have to share the toilet with some people who pee on the seat.

    IN PRISON..........they allow your family and friends to visit.
    AT WORK............you aren't even supposed to speak to your family.

    IN PRISON.........all expenses are paid by the taxpayers with no work required.
    AT WORK............you get to pay all your expenses to go to work, and they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

    IN PRISON..........you spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out.
    AT WORK ...........you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars.

    IN PRISON .........you must deal with sadistic wardens.
    AT WORK...........they are called managers.

    Out of office reply phrases

    I will be out of the office for the next 2 weeks for medical reasons. When I return, please refer to me as 'Loretta' instead of 'Steve'.'

    I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position. Be prepared for my mood.

    I'm not really out of the office. I'm just ignoring you.

    You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all.

    Sorry to have missed you but I am at the doctors having my brain removed so that I may be promoted to management

    I will be unable to delete all the unread, worthless emails you send me until I return from vacation on 4/18. Please be patient and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received.

    Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message

    The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again.' The beauty of it is that when I return, I can see how many in-duh-viduals did this over and over.

    Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queueing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.

    Please reply to this e-mail so I will know that you got this message.

    I am on holiday. Your e-mail has been deleted.

    Hi. I'm thinking about what you've just sent me. Please wait by your PC for my response.

    Hi! I'm busy negotiating the salary for my new job. Don't bother to leave me any messages.

    I've run away to join a different circus.

    A man and a woman, who have never met before, find themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train.

    Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, the two are tired and fall asleep quickly...he in the upper bunk and she in the lower.

    At 1:00 AM, he leans over and gently wakes the woman saying, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold."

    "I have a better idea," she replies. "Just for tonight, let's pretend that we're married."

    "Wow! That's a great idea!!" he exclaims.

    "Good," she replies, "Get your own damn blanket!"

    After a moment of silence, he farted.

  3. Nach oben    #3
    38 Jahre alt
    aus rangierter mister : oxybrain : 2005
    1.671 Beiträge seit 10/2001
    Programmers guide

    Instructions on how to shoot yourself in the foot in various computer languages and system interfaces

    Caution! Please move any beverages and snacks away from your computer system before reading the remainder of this message. Do NOT attempt to eat or drink while reading this document.

    The proliferation of modern programming languages which seem to have stolen countless features from each other sometimes makes it difficult to remember which language you're using. This guide is offered as a public service to help programmers in such dilemmas. The problem to be solved is as easy as it could be, you got to shoot yourself in the foot! And here are the solutions for each language:

    You shoot yourself in the foot.

    You accidentally create a dozen instances of yourself and shoot them all in the foot. Providing emergency medical assistance is impossible since you can't tell which are bitwise copies and which are just pointing at others and saying, "That's me, over there."

    If you are dumb enough to actually use this language, the United States Department of Defense will kidnap you, stand you up in front of a firing squad, and tell the soldiers, "Shoot at his feet."

    After correctly packaging your foot, you attempt to concurrently load the gun, pull the trigger, scream and shoot yourself in the foot. When you try, however, you discover that your foot is of the wrong type.

    You shoot yourself in the foot with a musket. The musket is esthetically fascinating, and the wound baffles the adolescent medic in the emergency room.

    You hear a gunshot, and there's a hole in your foot, but you don't remember enough linear algebra to understand what happened.

    You shoot yourself in the foot, then spend all day figuring out how to do it fewer characters.

    Apple System 7:
    Double click the gun icon and a window giving a selection for guns, target areas, plus ballon help with medical remedies, and assorted sound effects. Click shoot button and small bomb appears with note "Error of type 1 has occurred."

    You crash the OS and overwrite the root disk. The system administrator arrives and shoots you in the foot. After a moment of contemplation, the administrator shoots himself in the foot and then hops around the room rabidly shooting at everyone in sight.

    You try to shoot yourself in the foot only to discover you must first reinvent the gun, the bullet, and your foot.

    Shoot self in foot with water pistol. On big systems, continue until entire lower body is waterlogged.

    You grab a bullet, get ready to insert it in the gun so that you can shoot yourself in the foot, and discover that the gun that the bullet fits has not yet been built, but should be arriving in the mail _REAL_SOON_NOW_.

    USEing a COLT45 HANDGUN, AIM gun at LEG.FOOT, THEN place ARM.HAND.FINGER on HANDGUN.TRIGGER, and SQUEEZE. THEN return HANDGUN to HOLSTER. Check whether shoelace needs to be retied.

    Concurrent Euclid:
    You shoot yourself in somebody else's foot.

    You squeeze the trigger, but the bullet moves so slowly that by the time your foot feels the pain you've forgotten why you shot yourself anyway. [rboatright]

    DBase IV version 1.0:
    You pull the trigger, but it turns out that the gun was a poorly-designed grenade and the whole building blows up.

    You finally found the gun, but can't locate the file with the foot for the life of you.

    You put your foot in your mouth, then bite it off. (For those who don't know, English is a McDonnell Douglas/PICK query language which allegedly requires 110% of system resources to run happily.)

    You put your foot in your mouth, then echo it internationally.

    yourself foot shoot.

    Foot yourself in the shoot.

    You shoot yourself in each toe, iteratively, until you run out of toes, then you read in the next foot and repeat. If you run out of bullets, you continue anyway because you have no exception- processing ability.

    Genetic Algorithms:
    You create 10,000 strings describing the best way to shoot yourself in the foot. By the time the program produces the optimal solution, humans have evolved wings and the problem is moot.

    Put the first bullet of the gun into foot left of leg of you. Answer the result.

    The first gun doesn't work. Three months later INFORMIX's support desk send another gun which doesn't match the version number of the bullets. INFORMIX suggest you upgrade to INFORMIX-ONLINE. You pull the trigger and you shoe gets wet.

    You pull the trigger, and your identical twin in San Franciso gets shot. You then turn off distributed query optimisation.

    370 JCL:
    You send your foot down to MIS with a 4000-page document explaining how you want it to be shot. Three years later, your foot comes back deep-fried.

    You shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which
    you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which
    you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which
    you shoot yourself in the appendage which ho..

    After realizing that you can't actually accomplish anything in the language, you shoot yourself in the head.

    You spend days writing a UIL description of your foot, the trajectory, the bullet, and the intricate scrollwork on the ivory handles of the gun. When you finally get around to pulling the trigger, the gun jams.

    Neural Networks:
    You train the network in how to shoot your foot, after which it generalizes and keeps trying to locate some guy named Connor on the net...

    Objective-C (NeXT):
    You write a protocol for shooting yourself in the foot so that all people can get shot in their feet.

    You send a message to your finger, which sends a message to the trigger, which sends a message to the firing pin, which sends a message to the primer, which sends a message to the firing charge, which sends a message to the bullet which sends a very unpleasant message to your foot.
    The pipeline continues to run, a hail of bullets emerging from the output channel and drilling their way via your foot to the centre of the earth. The high velocity arrival of such stupendous amounts of lead creates a density shock-wave which eventually collapses beyond its own event horizon. The black hole thus formed goes on to absorb earth, most of the minor planets and the Sun.
    The problems of your foot become increasingly insignificant during this process.
    Hyper intelligent beings from the planet Zorg nod their several heads wisely and confide to each other: `I always said Tony was a complete twat'

    ORACLE sell you a gun, a box of bullets, a holster, a cardboard mock-up of a wild-west town and a stetson. You find the trigger takes twenty seven people to pull it. ORACLE provide 26 consultants all with holsters, cardboard mock-ups and stetsons. The bullet doesn't leave the gun-barrel and you hire four more ORACLE consultants to optimise. The bullet bounces off your sandals. You decide to buy INGRES. Richard Donkin shoots you in the foot.

    Not only can you shoot yourself in the foot, your users can too.

  4. Nach oben    #4
    38 Jahre alt
    aus rangierter mister : oxybrain : 2005
    1.671 Beiträge seit 10/2001
    The compiler won't let you shoot yourself in the foot.

    You consume all available system resources, including all the offline bullets. The DataProcessing&Payroll Department doubles its size, triples its budget, acquires four new mainframes, and drops the original one on your foot.

    You attempt to shoot yourself in the foot, but the bullet, failing to find its mark, backtracks to the gun which then explodes in your face.

    You tell your program you want to be shot in the foot. The program figures out how to do it, but the syntax doesn't allow it to explain.

    You'll be able to shoot yourself in the foot just as soon as you figure out what all these bullets are for.

    You start to really shoot yourself in the foot, but 6 slugs is too many for an array and blows the compiler to pieces. Eventually you realise you must rebuild the compiler to allow such huge arrays. This is so stupid and boring that you start shoot yourself, but just in time you are interrupted by .....

    You shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which
    you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which
    you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which
    you shoot yourself in the appendage which ho..
    ..but none of the other appendages are aware of this happening.
    sh, csh, etc.:
    You can't remember the syntax for anything, so you spend five hours reading man pages before giving up. You then shoot the computer and switch to C.

    You spend so much time playing with the graphics and windowing system that your boss shoots you in the foot, takes away your workstation, and makes you develop in COBOL on a character terminal.

    You grab your foot with your hand, then rewrite your hand to be a bullet. The act of shooting the original foot then changes your hand/bullet into yet another foot (a left foot).

    If you succeed, shoot yourself in the left foot. If you fail, shoot yourself in the right foot.

    You cut your foot off, send it out to a service bureau and when it returns, it has a hole in it, but will no longer fit the attachment at the end of your leg.

    You carelessly invoke the procedure sp_insert_bullet() which fires a trigger (neat, eh) on the table GUN. To maintain referential integrity, the system invokes another trigger which inserts bullets in your other foot, your shins, your thighs, pelvis and so on up to the cranium. You are left in third normal form.

    % ls foot.c foot.h foot.o toe.c toe.o
    % rm *.o
    rm: .O: No such file or directory
    % ls

    Visual Basic:
    You'll shoot yourself in the foot, but you'll have so much fun doing it that you won't care.

    A female officer pulled over someone who was obviously a drunk driver.

    The officer says "You are under arrest, Anything you say can and will be held against you."

    The drunk driver stutters and cries out "Boobs!"

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Lesezeichen für 9 Wordseiten Englische Witze
